TONTOTON’s Plastic Collection Centers in the coastal areas of Cambodia are helping to stop plastic pollution and its flow into the ocean while strengthening vulnerable communities.
Our centers allow residents and informal waste pickers to enjoy the additional income and improve their living conditions. Your participation in the project helps reduce poverty, strengthen vulnerable communities and reduce plastic pollution in the oceans.
Through TONTOTON’s Certified Plastic Credit system you can be part of this solution.
- TYPE: Coastal Community
- STANDARD: Ocean Bound Plastic Neutrality Certification
- LOCATION: Sihanoukville
- AREA: 195.9 km²

The first of its kind in the country – at TONTOTON’s Material Recovery Facility plastic is either upcycled, recycled or utilized as an alternative energy source for a fully circular solution. TONTOTON’s collectors remove all mismanaged plastic from the environment, leaving nothing behind. Waste is brought the MRF, in the heart of Sihanoukville, for segregation into different sorting lines where HDPE, LDPE, PP and PE in good condition are reformed into new products through heat-processing techniques, PET is directed to a bottle-to-bottle factory, and degraded plastic is sent for co-processing.

TONTOTON’s solution aims to both prevent plastic entering the environment through source-reduction as well as removing coastal litter. The majority of mismanaged waste is associated with households due to ineffective solid waste management systems, therefore sorting of waste at a household level is an effective technique for reducing leakage. TONTOTON’s household partnership project stops this leakage at the source as well as encourages reduced consumption of these materials. Without this solution, the plastic would be discarded into the environment or openly burnt outside the houses.

Contact info
8/6 Vo Truong Toan Street
An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC, Vietnam